I have anxiously been waiting for Kevin and the twins to get
home. They went to the Daddy/Daughter
Dance at church tonight. Ella and Mattie
got new dresses and black paten shoes with heels (all from the clearance
rack). We fixed their hair and painted
their nails. We found fancy purses and
shawls in my closet. They were so
excited! I remember a similar date with
my dad. My sophomore year at Meredith, we
had a Father/Daughter dance. It was such
a fun evening dancing the night away with my dad.

Dad and daughters share a special relationship. I have always admired my dad and he has always made me feel like his special princess. While in seminary I had some car trouble. My dad drove all the way from Cullowhee to
Durham after work to check on me and trade cars. He drove the 5 hour drive back that
night. I remember thinking then, “my
daddy sure loves me a lot.” I also know
that as much as my dad loves me, that God’s love for me is even greater.
My Lenten devotions this year are coming from Jan Richardson who is a author and artist and ordained United Methodist clergy person. She began the reflections reminding readers that we are BELOVED. Our beloved-ness is because God has chosen us as God's children. We are created in God's image and loved beyond imagination. I am grateful that my dad gave me a glimpse
of God’s love, and I am so thankful that Ella and Mattie (and Kate) experience
God’s love through the gift of their daddy.
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