Saturday, June 13, 2015


I love to make lists!  I most often have a to-do list in hand, on my phone, and stuck on the side of the fridge.  The list keeps me motivated and organized.  It keeps me on task and helps to make sure I don’t forget something important.  These lists are for me.  They are not meant to be shared or even understand by another person. 

One of the most hurtful days in my life happened the spring of my junior year of high school.  I had decided to run for student body president and found myself running unopposed.  I walked into school one morning, to find friends and classmates signing a petition to add another name to the ballot.  Each class I walked into that day, I was confronted with people passing the petition, and I heard the whispers as more and more names were added to the list.

I think of other lists:  the roster of those who made the team or an invitation list for a party.  These lists include those who are in and those who are out.  As I think about these kinds of lists, I remember the joy and excitement of making the list and the heartache of being excluded.   As Christ followers, we are called to let go of the security of our lists and go into the streets to make sure the invitation spans as far and wide as possible.  We have a responsibility to make sure that all perspectives are represented, to ensure that all are heard and have voice, and to make room for everyone around the table. 

The last few days I have seen several lists that appear to divide and promote an agenda.  I love the United Methodist Church, and I believe in our polity.  My prayer is that as Western North Carolina prepares to vote for clergy and lay delegates to represent our conference at our world-wide decision making event in 2016, that we will seek inspiration from the Holy Spirit and allow God to call forth our delegation.  Ultimately, I hope that God’s list will become our list.   

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