Friday, May 13, 2016

A Great Day

Today is day 4 of General Conference for the United Methodist Church.  This mama preacher is away from home and experiencing my first glance at the workings of our worldwide denomination.  My 38 years of life have been formed by the teaching, preaching and loving of the United Methodist Church.  I love our denomination and am called to lead in its midst, so I feel honored to be here as a representative of my annual conference.  The last four days have been filled with powerful worship, seeing friends from the connection, and learning the workings of our denomination.

The worship space this morning.

Our Uber driver this morning, reminded me how to start a new day.  As I got in the car, I inquired how he was doing and he exclaimed that “it is going to be a great day!”  Feeling a little tired and perplexed by all I am seeing and hearing at General Conference, I needed that reminder.  Trying to legislate conversation yesterday made me frustrated and then hearing stories of different legislative committees made me doubtful that the denomination will move forward in 2016 and yet, “it is going to be a great day.” 

And then sitting in worship listening to Bishop Sally Dyck bring forth God’s word, I knew it was a great day.  Her prophetic message to “go learn mercy” challenged us to consider all the incompatibilities with Christian teaching and to respond with mercy.  Her challenge was almost directly followed by a young 14 year old girl who proclaimed God’s word with such conviction and grace as she shared about her efforts to build wells for those who have no access to clean water.  Her presence at General Conference proved it was a great day.  And just now,  as I am sitting as an observer to a Church and Society legislative committee, the time began with the committee singing “when the saints go marching In” and the gallery singing “when the gates go open wide, we will sit by Jesus side.”  It was a powerful movement of God’s spirit of unity and the wideness of God's grace.  It was a great day!  

At the heart of our resurrection faith is this call to a great day.  God is constantly at work to make things new, to transform frustration into resilience and to resurrect hope from a sea of doubt.  It is a great day!

You may wish to watch the powerful worship from this morning:

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