Baptism of our Lord Sunday is one of my favorite liturgical days. I am humbled when I get to place water on the forehead of parishioners saying, “remember your baptism and be thankful.” I don’t literally remember my baptism. I was four months old when Don Haynes placed water on my head and my family promised to raise me to know and love Christ. I have seen the pictures. I have heard the stories of how I cried. And I know I can remember because God’s promise to me that day has not and will not fail. God claimed me as God’s beloved daughter and God promises are trustworthy and eternal. I remember and I am thankful!
Through the remembrance of baptism we acknowledge all that God does for us and we are reminded of our identity. Baptism makes us a child of God and a member of Christ’s universal family where everyone shares the name Christian. Baptism calls us into ministry. When we remember our baptisms we remember who we are and who God is. We remember that we are connected with brothers and sisters around the world who look, talk, think, and even understand God differently and yet the waters of baptism unite us. We remember and we are thankful!
I was so excited to be back pastoring a local church and looking forward to marking the baptized with the sign of the cross and inviting them to remember their baptisms. And then, it snowed and we had to cancel church. I stepped out on a limb and tried something new for me, I recorded a “Live” video devotional ( What started as just something for my own congregation grew and attracted colleagues, childhood friends, college sisters, neighbors, family and friends near and far, people who knew me since birth, people who teach my children, and people who I do not even know joined together virtually as I had the opportunity to remind all that “we are God’s beloved children.” The body of Christ came to life as I sat in my kitchen and hundreds joined from their homes and desks. God’s family was united and worshipping together across denominational lines, with folks who feel forgotten by the church, with folks who regularly attend church and with those who don’t do church at all. Through the unexpected gift of snow and technology we all were able to remember and be thankful!
Going “Live” today, I had my three daughters beside me. Ella and Mattie read scripture and Kate greeted everyone with a smile. I remember their baptisms. Today they helped me to remember that God entrusted me with their earthly care and I entrusted them into God’s eternal care. They are living into their baptismal promise. I am living into my baptismal promises. And we all belong to God. Remember and be thankful!
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