Saturday, October 4, 2014

A Lesson Worth Learning

Today is day 4 of a 31 day blogging challenge with my friend and colleague reverendmommy, Robin Fitzgerald.We will be using a daily word prompt from

Earlier this year, I traveled to the Holy Lands of Israel and Palestine with Bishop Goodpaster and a number of my young clergy colleagues.  It was a wonderfully rich trip filled with visits to scared sites and holy moments.  I continue to process and appreciate the gift it was to travel and grow.  My roommate for those 11 days was Robin Fitzgerald.  I had been acquainted with Robin since seminary.  While in Israel, I learned something new and not very theological.  I wouldn’t even consider it a God moment, but it has changed my life.

Robin taught me all about dry shampoo.  She taught me how to spray it on my roots and shake it into my hair to absorb all the oil from the day before.  This new beauty trick has transformed my morning routine.  I no longer wash and dry my long thick hair every day.  On the off day, I let dry shampoo work its magic.  This may sound silly, but it literally bought me 30 minutes several times a week and for a mom of 3 who gets us daily at 5:30 AM to tackle the day…..30 minutes is a gift.  Plus as an added bonus, my hair stylist says it is better for my hair J.  And not to worry, I still shower every day!

The God moment in all of this is the power of a relationship.  I am thankful that dry shampoo knit us together, but more than that, I am thankful for the gift it is to share life, motherhood, and ministry with Robin.  The value of a relationship is a lesson worth learning over and over again. 

1 comment:

  1. I think relationships are all we have. But everything in live is some type of relationship.

    PS the power of dry shampoo is a new and very intriguing one to me as well.
