Saturday, October 11, 2014

Called to Teach

Today is day 11 of a 31 day blogging challenge with my friend and colleague reverendmommy, Robin Fitzgerald.We will be using a daily word prompt from

I grew-up playing school constantly.  I would dress-up in a blue dress and white high heel shoes and share a well-planned lesson with all my dolls and bears.  My mom gave old lesson plan books and supplies with me.   I knew I wanted to grow-up and be a teacher. 

I believe there is no greater calling in life than to teach.   I have had so many wonderful teachers in my life.  I remember many of the creative ways used to help me learn and grow.  I remember book character dress-up days, a renaissance fair, a life size mission control center, and candy DNA models.  I remember those who challenged me to be a better writer by pushing me to be more descriptive and concise and those who challenged me to be a better thinker by incorporating labs and projects.  I am so thankful that these men and women answered the call to teach. 

My calling in life led me to teach in a different way than in a classroom setting, though my support for public education has not changed.  As a child of an educator, I know the hours and hours of energy that are often go unnoticed and unpaid.  As a wife of an administrator, I know the hours and hours of time that are spent mentoring and supporting the whole school that often go unappreciated.  As PTO president and mother of three girls, I give of my time to support and advocate for all who teach and learn. 
The School Ella and Mattie Attend


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