Tuesday, October 21, 2014

She Boss

Today is day 21 of a 31 day blogging challenge with my friend and colleague reverendmommy, Robin Fitzgerald.We will be using a daily word prompt from katemotaung.com.

Gran Gran was fiercely independent and extremely feisty.  She usually got what she wanted.  My grandfather, Pa, would often respond that there was “no such thing as She Boss.”  As a father of 3 girls and the grandfather of 4 girls, his comment was not devaluing the leadership capacity of women.  He was simply making a joke to which all the women in his life would quickly correct him and remind him that yes, in fact, there ARE She Bosses in the world.

Gran Gran with her first two great-grandchildren--two more She Bosses!

The Goforth sisters (My mom Kathy and her sisters Nancy and Cheryl) and their daughters (Me, Katherine, Jordan and Meredith) are all strong-willed and independent.  It comes as no surprise then, that my girls would inherit this same kind of personality.  We are all capable of being She Bosses and those of us who are adults are quite successful in our She Boss role.    
6 of 7 She Bosses (Me, My mom, Kathy, Jordan, Cheryl, Nancy and Katherine)
We are missing Meredith. 


I know this leadership characteristic will carry my girls far in life, but it comes with challenges that have to be tailored and tempered along the way.  For instance, the world came crashing down at the dance recital when Ella and Mattie did not receive an extra trophy for perfect attendance.   Or there are days they hurry through their work at school, to be the first done.  Or they point out the injustice when one gets more points for good behavior at school.  The bottom line is that they want to be right, to be first, and to be recognized.  The challenge is helping them learn that it’s okay to be wrong, to be second, and to go unnoticed.  A good leader is able to navigate situations with boldness and humility.  A good leader can be in charge and admit when mistakes are made, celebrate when someone else wins the prize, and work hard regardless of recognition.  This kind of leader sounds biblical:   seeking forgiveness, celebrating others, and seeking heavenly rewards.  I certainly try to balance my She Boss nature with my biblical calling as I lead and serve in this world.   I think Pa would be proud.