Wednesday, October 8, 2014


As a cheerleader, I have spent many ballgames yelling a two-letter word in hopes that my enthusiasm would help lead my team to victory.  The word rhymes with every two- year olds favorite word.  This word is one of the most basic spelling words children learn.  In fact, Kate has cheered and spelled this word since she was about 18 months old. 

                Evangelism begins with this simple word that calls us to action.  This word leads us to people who hurting and in need of love and grace.  This call prevents us from becoming sedentary and stationary and challenges us to extend and offer hospitality to all.  We are called into all the world on a disciple making mission that simply begins with a two-letter word.  A two-letter imperative.  A two-letting command.   GO!


Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations!  Matthew 28:19

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