Wednesday, October 8, 2014

I Do Have Something to Say!

Today is day 8 of a 31 day blogging challenge with my friend and colleague reverendmommy, Robin Fitzgerald.We will be using a daily word prompt from
I consider myself a novice blogger, but recently I started to think….am I really a novice to this whole writing, reflecting, and sharing model of communication?    I thought back to 6th grade where my friends and I wrote notes back and forth to each other in spiral bound notebooks. 
Or during my late middle school and early high school year when my mother and I struggled to see eye to eye, we would often engage in writing notes back and forth to each other to convey our views on issues that we differed on. Perhaps these were the archaic form of blogging.

One of the things I value about blogging is the combination of personal and theological reflection.  I cannot separate my life from my faith.  All of who I am is a response to God’s gracious work in my life.  I am challenged to be real and relevant in such a way that others are able to see God and grow in their faith.  This blog is about life as a wife, mother, and clergy person in the UMC.  And it has turned into a place for my own theological reflection on those life titles.   

For years I have offered the excuse that I didn’t have time to blog, but more than that I claimed I didn’t have something to say.   My mamapreacher blog hasn’t taken off in the blogosphere and attracted readers far and wide.  It likely will not be making it on some top 25 blog list and probably won’t be picked up by United Methodist Reporter.  And yet it has been a vehicle for evangelism in my own context as I find my voice and share my faith.


  1. Thanks for these reflections, Sally! You do indeed have something to say. Keep plugging away.

  2. The thing is: you don't have to say something. Plenty of people don't ever say anything. But the fact is, you say something ( not only that but), you say something worth hearing!! Just like all the greats have done throughout history. keep speaking you never know who you're giving a voice to:) .
