Saturday, May 14, 2016

Home Another Way

Liturgical Dancers at General Conference Worshup
Morning worship began with liturgical dancers carrying in the beautiful gold stars.  They helped to transform the space into an Epiphany themed service.  The text was the traditional Epiphany text about King Herod, the magi and baby Jesus that is found in Matthew 2: 1-12.  At first, it felt strange hearing these words out of liturgical context and singing “I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light” on the eve Pentecost.  Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar preached a message that encouraged delegates to stay connected to each other and to focus primarily on seeking God in Jesus Christ.  The Epiphany moment for me came when I realized that God can surprise us and speak to us anytime, even out of context 
As one who loves to preach, I am constantly listening to sermons trying to get ideas and direction.   As soon as Bishop Devadhar began, I knew how I would end the sermon if I was preaching it today.  My focus would be on verse 12: 

And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.

Those of us in Portland have come from different places and contexts.  Our hearts and minds are filled with differing theological perspectives and different hopes and dreams for the future of the church.  What would a modern day Epiphany look like that transformed us all to return home another way?  I have to believe that out of all our differences we can find unity and that we really can and will choose love. 

I am already committed to return home another way.  Through the stories of young people who love the United Methodist Church, I have a renewed passion for cultivating the gifts and talents of the youngest among us and making sure that their life and voice are heard.  Often at the heart of their story is an adult who believed in them, included them, supported them, and encouraged them.  I am blessed to have had so many who believed, included, supported and encouraged me.  I will return home to be that kind of adult for the young people I know. 

Tomorrow is our Sabbath.  My prayer will be that God will stir in us all courage to return home another way.

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