Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tears and Listening

I sat through morning worship with tears flowing from my eyes.  The voice in my head kept saying, “Get it together!”  Another voice said, “This is what you get for making fun of your mother EVERY Sunday at church when she cried.”  And another voice said, “My heart is broken.” 

My heart was broken in the midst of rumor and talk about splitting the denomination who has formed me from my birth and to which I am now called to serve and lead.  I love the United Methodist Church.  I love her people, her clergy, and her amazing ministry.  My heart is broken because we are broken.  And I was overwhelmed with tears which reminded me of words from Frederick Beuchner about tears. 

Whenever you find tears in your eyes, especially unexpected tears, it is well to pay the closest attention. They are not only telling you something about the secret of who you are but, more often than not, God is speaking to you through them of the mystery of where you have come from and is summoning you to where, if your soul is to be saved, you should go to next.

I shouldn’t count the tears as unexpected because tears are my heart language.  And as much as I resist it, they come easy and flow freely.  They are not a sign of weakness.  They are my heart and I do know that God speaks to me through my tears, so today I am listening for God’s voice.  And I trust that the bishops of the United Methodist Church are listening to God’s voice as they have been tasked with coming to the General Conference body with a direction forward.

As I listened for God’s voice, I heard “focus on where I am.”  In the local church, I used to begin worship with God sightings.  I invited people to share where they had seen God at work in the last week, so I chose to look for God today and here is where I found God:

  •  Sitting in the bleachers with a group of clergy from our annual conference that are amazingly gifted, diverse and faithful

    #WNCC needs these clergy to survive

  •  Holding a 5 month old baby as we heard protestors sing “Bind us Together”
Malachi Dayson

  • Hearing stories of friends who have been giving out cards and meal tickets to our neighbors who live on the streets in Portland

  • Watching delegations pray together, laugh together, and cry together
a delegation gathered to pray

  • Talking to my girls on the phone and hearing them tell me they love me
  • Catching up with friends from around the connection
  • Sharing a meal with colleagues

God is speaking in the midst of the tears and I will continue to listen.


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  2. Sunday we had a prayer circle just for the General Conference. God's word is still truth and may he be in all that is to come.
