Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Abundant Life


I have always been encouraged to be a life long learner.  Today I began a training journey with Passion and Partnership to become as a pastoral coach.  I have found great value in having a coach to walk alongside of me and ask great questions that help me to navigate life and ministry.  On one occasion, my coach asked a question that helped me to clarify an important decision that I was making.  She asked me, “How will you feel about your decision in 10 minutes, 10 months, and 10 years?”  This question allowed me to really live into my core values and make a decision that best honored my family.   Coaching is not telling someone what to do; it is asking questions that allow someone to decide and see where and how God is speaking. 

 I truly feel called to this work of coaching.  I believe that our callings in life can be discovered at the intersection of our gifts and our passions.   I have gifts for listening and discerning how God is working in someone’s life, and I have become passionate about coaching and the influence it can have on one’s life.  I came home tonight with 15 new books to read, with homework assignments, and with practice coaching calls to set-up.  Some may wonder how or why I am adding this to my already full to overflowing life.  If I am honest, I wonder the same and yet I feel that God has paved the way for this opportunity.

It seems appropriate to me that I am adding this opportunity during Lent.  During Lent, many people focus on giving something-up and abstaining from something that keeps them separated from God.  Others choose to add something during Lent that helps them grow closer to God.  For me, I have been practicing things that give me life.  Learning and training to become a coach is life-giving to me, as are my daily Lenten blogs.   Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).   I am choosing to live into the abundance! 





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