Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Move: On the Road Again…..

Today I begin a 31 day blogging challenge with my friend and colleague reverendmommy, Robin Fitzgerald.  We will be using a daily word prompt from 

Theologically speaking we are a people on the move.  Perhaps it was Abraham who set into motion our nomadic nature as he agreed to follow wherever God would lead.  I admire Abraham’s faith, and I feel a little disappointed that scripture does not record the conversation following God’s decree for him, “to go to the land where” God would “show” him.  Surely Abram asked some questions and if not, I feel certain Sarai asked a thing or two.  It could not have been as simple as God said it, so let’s get on the road again.
I was born in Iredell County, North Carolina and my childhood was spent in Jackson County.  Since leaving home in 1996, I have lived in 7 different counties in North Carolina.  Part of this was for educational reasons and part was due to the itinerant nature of the United Methodist Church.  Through all these moves, I have asked lots of questions, and I concluded that moving both stinks and sustains!  There is something cathartic about cleaning and clearing out which comes with every move and still packing and loading is hard and exhausting work.  There is something painful about saying goodbye and still there is something exciting about a new beginning.  It both stinks to leave and sustains to go. 
God promises Abraham that by going, he and his family will be blessed.  I have found that in the tension of leaving and going, I have been able to find the blessing.  Through my moves, I have learned much about life, I have expanded my family of faith to include many new friends, and I have encountered God at every step of my journey.

1 comment:

  1. i still remember that time i rode back to raleigh with you. you were so sad to leave kevin wherever he stopped following us and you told me that you're always sad to leave wherever you are leaving, but always happy to get wherever you're going. i see that hasn't changed!
