Thursday, October 2, 2014


Today is day 2 of a 31 day blogging challenge with my friend and colleague reverendmommy, Robin Fitzgerald. We will be using a daily word prompt from
On a recent trip to Party City, Ella and Mattie asked if we could look at the Halloween Costumes.  They preceded to try on masks.  Some of these masks made us laugh and others gave us a bit of a scare. 
We spend much of our adolescent and adult lives hiding behind masks.  The masks become a protection for our fears, our insecurities, our doubts, our pain, etc.  Over time we become so comfortable with our hidden reality that we VIEW ourselves as unworthy and unlovable.  This lie becomes our truth and we forget that we created in the very image of God.

Having a toddler reminds me what a mask free life looks like.  Her hair can be a wreck, snot can be coming out of her nose, and her diaper can be about to explode and she skips and jumps content with the world around her.  When she hits her head or someone takes away her toy, she can scream and cry as loudly as she wishes.  When frustrated she can stomp her feet or become limp and flop on the floor.  She is free to be who she needs to be unaware that her behaviors are socially unacceptable.  Soon she will learn and she, too, will find a masks to wear. 

My job is to teach Kate that she is fearfully and wonderfully made by a God who loves her.  My goal is to make sure Ella and Mattie know that their worth and value has been determined by a God who calls them by names and knows the number of hairs on their heads.  And my hope is that I help others view themselves as a child of God.  

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